Car Breathalyzers

Got a DUI in Idaho? Here's the 411 on Those Car Breathalyzers

Hey, ever had a run-in with the law over a few too many drinks and driving in Idaho? You might've heard of, or been told to install, this gizmo called an ignition interlock device (IID) in your car. Basically, it's a breathalyzer for your vehicle. Sounds simple? Maybe. But these things can be a pain.

Over at Boise DUI, we're the peeps who can help break down the deets on IIDs and guide you if you're dealing with a DUI. Ring us up at 208-392-1964, and let's chat for free.

What's an IID, Anyway?

Think of it as a mini breathalyzer that lives in your car. You blow into it, and if you've had too much to drink, your car ain't starting. If you're under the limit, you can hit the road, but the machine gives you a little "I'm watching you" warning.

By the way, whatever the device sees, it snitches to the person who installed it. 

What's It Telling on You?

Here's the juicy stuff it might spill:
- When you tried to start your car or did a test on the move
- Where you were (if it has GPS)
- A selfie of you during each test (camera-equipped ones)
- Pass or fail grades
- Your BAC reading
- How many times it locked you out
- If someone else tried being sneaky and blew into it
- Any monkey business with the device
- If you skipped any service appointments

Why Do You Need One in Idaho?

Every place has its rules. But in Idaho, you might get an IID if:
- You said "nope" to a breath or blood test during a DUI stop
- You got a limited license to drive to work or school and the IID is the price to pay
- You were found guilty of DUI and this little device is part of your “time-out”

Top 3 IID Gripes in Idaho

1. False Alarms: Believe it or not, stuff like mouthwash or a spicy pickle can make the IID think you've been boozing.
2. User Oopsies: Some IIDs want you to hum while blowing. Mess it up, and it might wrongly rat you out.
3. Shared Cars: Sharing your car? Too bad. The IID doesn't take a break for other drivers.

If you run into trouble with your IID, it can mean more legal headaches and even losing that limited license.

And They Can Be Risky!

Here's the kicker. These things don't just test you before you drive, they can ask for a test WHILE you're driving. Yup, it's called “rolling testing,” and it's a big reason why folks aren't fans. Imagine blowing into this thing when you're doing 60 on a highway. Talk about a dangerous distraction!

Want to keep your license and dodge a mark on your record? Your best bet is having a savvy DUI defense by your side.

Need Some Expert Back-Up?

If you're in the hot seat for a DUI in Boise, don't go it alone. Holler at us at Boise DUI. You can drop us a line at 208-392-1964 or slide into our online form. We're here to help!

Boise DUI Is Here for You

At Boise DUI, we focus on 1st Offense DUI, 2nd Offense DUI, Excessive DUI, Felony DUI, and Aggravated Felony DUI and we are here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.

Contact Me Today

DUI Boise is committed to answering your questions about DUI law issues in Idaho. We offer consultations and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.